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Big Boss Energy: Every Business Owner Needs It

Have you ever wondered what sets successful business owners apart? It’s not just their strategic acumen or their knack for innovation. It’s something more primal, more innate—what I like to call “Big Boss Energy.” This essential quality is the driving force that propels businesses forward, turning visionaries into leaders and ideas into empires. Today, we’ll delve into what Big B 4 mins read

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 From Chaos to Clarity: How Business Systemisation Can Save Your Sanity 

In the whirlwind of entrepreneurship, it’s easy to find yourself drowning in chaos. From managing daily operations to juggling client demands. The relentless cycle of tasks can leave you feeling overwhelmed and burnt out. Trust me, you’re not alone. The relentless demands of running a business can leave even the most seasoned entrepreneur feeling frazzled and overwhelmed.  I am sure yo 5 mins read

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The Katt Williams PR Masterclass: What Business Owners Can Learn

You may or may not have caught wind of the recent viral interview featuring the American comedian Katt Williams. In this unfiltered podcast appearance, Katt didn’t hold back, taking shots at fellow comedians. While comedy and business may seem worlds apart, there’s more we can take away from this entertaining episode, than meets the eye. Small business owners and founders can glean muc 2 mins read

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Business Trends to Adopt in 2024

As we step into 2024, it is important that small businesses owners stay ahead of the curve. Competition is high and conditions are getting increasingly difficult. It is becoming increasingly important to remain informed of the key trends that promise to enhance efficiency, customer experiences, and sustainability. Most importantly, you should seek ways to adopt these trends within your business.  3 mins read

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How to Grow Your Business With The VISSA Model

If you are a small business owner, seeking business growth, you know that navigating the world of entrepreneurship and business can be incredibly challenging.  It can be even more challenging when you are determined to grow your business, but don’t know how. You have tried differencr The online realm makes it seem like it’s easy, with every guru, coach and self-professed expert, advising that you 5 mins read

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The Role of Accountability in Business Success

Introduction: Laying the Foundation for Success Hello, fellow business folks! Today, let’s talk about something that can make a real difference in your business journey – accountability. We’ve all been there – tired, stressed, and feeling a bit lost. Recently, I had a chat with a client who was facing the same struggles. They mentioned how tough it is to stay on track alone. That got m 4 mins read

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Work-Life Balance: Strategies for achieving it

In Pursuit of Work-Life Balance In today’s fast-paced, demanding business world, achieving the perfect work-life balance, feels like an elusive dream. The relentless demands of our businesses often leave us business owners, overwhelmed and disconnected. We often are forced to sacrifice our personal relationships as we are unable to find the time to spend with our loved ones. We give up on pe 6 mins read

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Innovate or die!

In today’s fiercely competitive business landscape, the saying “innovate or die” holds more truth than ever before. As an entrepreneur or business owner, you might be asking yourself, “Is innovation really that crucial?” The resounding answer is a definite YES. Without a strong emphasis on innovation, your business is vulnerable to stagnation and in the worst cases, f 4 mins read

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Basic Systems Every Small Business Needs

My early journey as a small business owner, taught me the vital lesson of the importance of having robust systems. After pouring my heart and soul into building my first business, I found myself overwhelmed and eventually burnt out. Although I had a team, ultimately, I was responsible for the majority of the operations.  The lack of efficient systems meant that I couldn’t effectively train s 5 mins read

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