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A Brief Guide To Leveraging Social Media Communities For Business Growth

Social media is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. It allows companies to reach and interact with customers in a way that was impossible in the past. Today, one of the most effective ways to make the most of social media is to build a community around your brand. This is particularly relevant if you want to achieve business growth. A community is a group of people who share a common inte 4 mins read

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5 Growth Strategies For Early-Stage Founders In The UK

According to Investopedia, 20% of new businesses fail within the first year. That figure goes up to a whopping 45% after four years. That is almost 1 in 2 startups, destined to fail. As a result, we now have a growing population of budding entrepreneurs struggling with heightened levels of pessimism – an expected outcome in the eyes of anyone who considers the rather tragic odds.  Naturally, 6 mins read

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What Type of Business Owner Are You?

I have recently concluded that there are two types of small business owner who are seeking business growth: Type 1: Those who want to make lots of money, so enjoy working really hard so they can make it Type 2: Those who want to make lots of money so that they don’t have to work really hard and can enjoy time freedom. Which one are you? I am definitely type 2. I have no desire to work really hard 4 mins read

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Transform Your Business in 2023 with Vision:20

Create a powerful plan for success in your business, and get the proven process for making it a reality. The year is coming to an end and it is likely that you are reflecting on your achievements of 2022 and whether you achieved business growth. You may also be lamenting on all of the things you didn’t get done, but really could and should have. I don’t believe in regrets. You did what you did w 1 min read

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Why You Probably Need a Business Line

I recently spoke with a client who was getting annoyed with the number of clients contacting him at unsociable hours asking random questions. I asked him why he was answering his work line at unsociable hours. Turns out he didn’t have a work line and his clients were contacting him on his personal line. When I asked him why he didn’t have a separate line for work, he looked at me puzzled. I encour 3 mins read

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Strategic Objectives & KPI’s for business growth

It is not uncommon for small businesses to have zero understanding of how their business is performing in any given moment. Or, how it is performing against strategic objectives, if they even exist within the business. There is so much to contend with when running a small business, that it is sometime difficult to get a grasp on everything at once. However, something that really should be prioriti 6 mins read

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Revisiting Your Vision: The 6 Month Plan To Success

We have officially made it past the half way point of 2022. Hasn’t the first half of the year flown by? Everyone will have a different feeling about how their year has gone so far, but whatever your experience has been, now is a great time to plan for the final half of 2022. Maybe you have smashed the first half of the year and want to maintain and/or exceed upon what you have already accomp 7 mins read

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Think Big And Take Action To Achieve Big Goals.

The most common characteristic of my high growth clients, is their mindset. Being resilient, proactive and solution-focused are all part and parcel of ensuring your business is always reaching milestones and you, as the owner, are smashing goals. As we constantly revisit goals, it’s good to think about our approach to achieving them. We must also be committed to putting in the hard work to get the 4 mins read

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5 Ways to Transform Your Business

You have been running your business for a number of years and have achieved some growth. Not as much as you’d like but enough to enable you to stay in business and maybe even take on one or two members of staff. However, recently you have hit a plateau. You are rushed off your feet operationally, but aren’t really hitting the sales you need to level up your business. Rather than continue hoping fo 8 mins read

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